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ReadyWise Blog

Doomsday Preppers on National Geographic Channel – New Season!

Doomsday Preppers on National Geographic Channel – New Season!

By Brody Danielson February 13, 2020 | be prepared disaster preparedness doomsday prepper

Doomsday Preppers on National Geographic Channel – New Season! Preppers everywhere are addicted to Doomsday Preppers, a series on the National Geographic channel. This popular show, now in its second season showcases real preppers as they prepare for worst-case scenarios, which gives viewers all kinds of creative ideas and information...

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Family Earthquake Preparedness Plan

Family Earthquake Preparedness Plan

By Brody Danielson February 12, 2020 | disaster disaster preparedness earthquake emergency preparedness natural disasters plan prepare

Family Earthquake Preparedness Plan Do you have a family earthquake preparedness plan? Are you prepared to be self-sufficient for days, weeks, or even months depending upon the severity of the earthquake? Do you ignore earthquake dangers because you think you aren't at risk? Check out the article below - you...

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The Simple Survival Kit List … Because Anything Can Happen

The Simple Survival Kit List … Because Anything Can Happen

By Brody Danielson February 12, 2020 | be prepared emergency preparedness emergency supplies prepare survival kit survival list

The Simple Survival Kit List … Because Anything Can Happen “The end of the world is on people's minds. We have the power to destroy or save ourselves, but the question is what do you do with that responsibility.” ~ Nicolas Cage “What are you going to do if it's...

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How to make a DIY fishing pole

How to make a DIY fishing pole

By Brody Danielson February 12, 2020 | camping DIY fishing fishing pole hiking outdoors prepper

How to make a DIY fishing pole Fishing isn’t only a fun activity—it’s also a practical skill that’s important to learn. When camping or hiking—especially in a rugged and remote area—fishing can serve as an excellent resource for fresh and nutrient-rich food. If you know how to fish, you don’t...

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Natural Disaster Map of the U.S.

Natural Disaster Map of the U.S.

By Brody Danielson February 12, 2020 | be prepared disaster disaster preparedness emergency preparedness plan planning 1 comment

Natural Disaster Map of the U.S. News headlines announce what seems like a disaster de jour lately, with the Colorado Floods, and California Wildfires taking center stage so far this fall. We all know that certain regions of the country are more susceptible to certain types of natural disasters than...

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College Food Alternatives

College Food Alternatives

By Brody Danielson February 12, 2020 | food prep food supply freeze dried food meal prep meal preparation

College Food Alternatives If you didn’t eat Ramen noodles in college we’re happy for you. Unfortunately, some of us did. Also unfortunately, we’ve learned that Ramen noodles and fast food are still staples of dorm room living. In fact, forty-four percent of college students eat fast food at least once...

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New Top 10 Prepper Apps

New Top 10 Prepper Apps

By Brody Danielson February 11, 2020 | emergency emergency apps emergency preparedness phone apps 1 comment

New Top 10 Prepper Apps New smartphone apps are rolling out all the time and it can be difficult to keep up or sort out what is useful for emergencies. Here are our top ten favorite apps – right now anyway! Life360 Family Locator lets you send and receive check-ins...

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Edible Plants in the Wilderness

Edible Plants in the Wilderness

By Brody Danielson February 11, 2020 | be prepared edible plants nature plants prepare prepper

Edible Plants in the Wilderness Perhaps you embarked on a solo backpacking trip and only have a few granola bars and water with you. Somehow you’ve veered off your planned route and now you are hopelessly lost. You are hungry and scared, but you did your homework and know that...

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Emergency Preparedness Plan for Infants and Young Children

Emergency Preparedness Plan for Infants and Young Children

By Brody Danielson February 11, 2020 | babies be prepared emergency prep emergency preparedness family infants prepper

Emergency Preparedness Plan for Infants and Young Children Early childhood experts have long touted the benefit of breastfeeding, but there is an added bonus. During disasters, breast milk can make the difference between life and death for infants. In emergency situations, there may be no access to clean drinking water...

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Mosquito Biology and Habits That Can Help Us Avoid Mosquitoes

Mosquito Biology and Habits That Can Help Us Avoid Mosquitoes

By Brody Danielson February 11, 2020 | animals be prepared emergency insects mosquito nature

Mosquito Biology and Habits That Can Help Us Avoid Mosquitoes Mosquitoes are one of the most irritating parts of spring and summer seasons. Often being outdoors and enjoying warm weather gets interrupted by these little insects. And in some parts of the world mosquitoes even transmit several serious diseases, therefore...

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Time to Check Your Supplies

Time to Check Your Supplies

By Brody Danielson February 11, 2020 | emergency emergency preparedness emergency supplies meal plan prepare prepper supplies

Time to Check Your Supplies April 15th is a day that looms large for taxpayers in the U.S.  As we lined up at the post office to mail in our last-minute returns, many of us passed the time dreaming of how we’ll use our refund checks. Using your tax refund to...

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Common Emergency Prepping Mistakes

Common Emergency Prepping Mistakes

By Brody Danielson February 10, 2020 | emergency emergency food prepare prepper supplies

Common Emergency Prepping Mistakes You’ve realized it’s time to prepare for emergencies and disasters. That’s great! You’re taking steps to ensure the safety and survival of yourself and your family in what are often unstable times and in the face of increasingly severe weather and natural disasters. Like any new...

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