ReadyWise Blog

How much food should I store for an emergency?
How much food should I store for an emergency? This is a question customers ask all the time and in light of the disasters of 2013, we’ve changed how we answer. As we mentioned last week, you’ll want to carefully determine your calorie needs as you make your emergency plan....

Pickling 101
Pickling 101 Most people think of “pickles” as pickled cucumbers and only as a garnish. Did you know you can pickle a wide variety of fruits and vegetables? Pickles of one kind or another have been made for more than 4000 years and are so popular in the United States...

A Guide to Vegetarian Emergency Food Storage
A Guide to Vegetarian Emergency Food Storage If you are a vegetarian, chances are you are already quite resourceful about obtaining adequate nutrition from non-meat sources. Preparing for emergencies requires the same kind of savvy, but with extra effort because fresh vegetables and fruits have a short shelf life. The...

Top 5 Modern Prepper Movies
Top 5 Modern Prepper Movies Survival. It's on the short list of moviemakers' top topics. Whether it's post-apocalyptic, natural disaster or pandemic-related, or even the over-plagued zombie thriller, Prepper movies make for great story telling and good reminders as to why survival preparedness is key. Here's our (totally subjective!) list...

What You Need to Know About Emergency Food Preparation
What You Need to Know About Emergency Food Preparation If you are putting together an emergency-preparedness kit, it is important to remember that you need to have more than just freeze-dried food and other food items packed away in storage. After all, the food won’t do you much good if...

9 Celebrity Preppers Ready for Anything
9 Celebrity Preppers Ready for Anything Even if you are a famous actor, world-class athlete or chart-topping musician, you are not immune to disaster. Having access to vast quantities of cash will only get you so far if the proverbial you-know-what hits the fan, and many celebrities are aware of...

What Does “Survival” Mean to You?
What Does “Survival” Mean to You? When it comes to the topic of survival, one quickly discovers there are many differing interpretations as to the meaning of the word itself, let along how to actually deal with surviving. You see, there are those who are just trying to survive from...

Billionaire Bunkers: How the Super-Rich Prepare for Disaster
Billionaire Bunkers: How the Super-Rich Prepare for Disaster Disaster preparedness has increased in popularity over the last few decades. No longer are you considered odd for maintaining a healthy amount of emergency supplies, especially if you live in a region where natural disasters are an ever-present risk. Add in social...

Doomsday Preppers on National Geographic Channel – New Season!
Doomsday Preppers on National Geographic Channel – New Season! Preppers everywhere are addicted to Doomsday Preppers, a series on the National Geographic channel. This popular show, now in its second season showcases real preppers as they prepare for worst-case scenarios, which gives viewers all kinds of creative ideas and information...

How to make a DIY fishing pole
How to make a DIY fishing pole Fishing isn’t only a fun activity—it’s also a practical skill that’s important to learn. When camping or hiking—especially in a rugged and remote area—fishing can serve as an excellent resource for fresh and nutrient-rich food. If you know how to fish, you don’t...

Edible Plants in the Wilderness
Edible Plants in the Wilderness Perhaps you embarked on a solo backpacking trip and only have a few granola bars and water with you. Somehow you’ve veered off your planned route and now you are hopelessly lost. You are hungry and scared, but you did your homework and know that...

Emergency Preparedness Plan for Infants and Young Children
Emergency Preparedness Plan for Infants and Young Children Early childhood experts have long touted the benefit of breastfeeding, but there is an added bonus. During disasters, breast milk can make the difference between life and death for infants. In emergency situations, there may be no access to clean drinking water...