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ReadyWise Blog

How Many Calories Do You Need To Live?

How Many Calories Do You Need To Live?

By Ben Slaughter March 07, 2025 | survival

In emergency situations when food is scarce and every calorie counts, knowing your daily calorie needs is essential for survival and long-term health. If disaster strikes—whether from a catastrophic power outage, natural disaster, or other crisis—ensuring that your body gets enough energy can mean the difference between staying strong and...

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8 Ways to Cook Without Electricity

8 Ways to Cook Without Electricity

By Brody Danielson February 20, 2020 | be prepared cooking fire outdoors solar survival survival skills

8 Ways to Cook Without Electricity As a society we have become accustomed to our modern conveniences. Not only can we cook on a stovetop or oven, but we can pop a dish in the microwave and have it ready in mere seconds! So when we find ourselves in a...

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Rethinking the Car Emergency Kit

Rethinking the Car Emergency Kit

By Brody Danielson February 20, 2020 | auto auto kit be prepared car car kit emergency kit emergency supplies survival

Rethinking the Car Emergency Kit In the last blog post we made brief mention of how winter storms had unexpected and significant impacts in Georgia and North Carolina this year. Many of us watched as stranded commuters waited in their cars for hours, ran out of gas and either walked...

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Emergency Communication: Phonetic Alphabet and Morse code

Emergency Communication: Phonetic Alphabet and Morse code

By Brody Danielson February 20, 2020 | alphabet be prepared emergency preparedness morse code phonetic survival survival skills

Whiskey, Tango, Bravo If you’re not in the military you probably only hear people use the phonetic alphabet in movies. The phonetic alphabet may seem like useless knowledge, but it’s not - everyone concerned about being prepared in an emergency situation should know it. Technically it’s called the “International Radiotelephony...

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How Many Daily Calories Will I Need?

How Many Daily Calories Will I Need?

By Brody Danielson February 18, 2020 | be prepared emergency emergency prep emergency preparedness make a plan plan survival

How Many Daily Calories Will I Need? The average American says it’s easier to do their own taxes than it is to figure out what to eat and how many calories per day they need. Whether you’re planning your emergency food strategy or you’re reviewing an existing plan, now is...

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Bug-Out-Bag Food: Everything You Need to Know

Bug-Out-Bag Food: Everything You Need to Know

By Brody Danielson February 18, 2020 | BOB bug out bag emergency emergency preparedness emergency supplies survival 1 comment

If you ever find yourself in an emergency situation and need to evacuate, you’ll need a bug-out-bag (BOB) to survive. A BOB should help you survive for up to 72 hours, so it’s important to pack it with any bug-out bag essentials you might need while out in the wild...

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Best Practices for Shelter-in-Place at Home - COVID-19 Pandemic 

Best Practices for Shelter-in-Place at Home - COVID-19 Pandemic 

By Brody Danielson February 18, 2020 | disaster preparedness emergency preparedness home shelter survival survival kit

Best Practices for Shelter-in-Place at Home - COVID-19 Pandemic  As of yesterday, counties in San Francisco, were ordered to “shelter-in-place,” due to the coronavirus pandemic. New York is strongly considering following the same measures. Leading officials have decided to take more aggressive and immediate restrictions to help “curb the spread”...

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What Does “Survival” Mean to You?

What Does “Survival” Mean to You?

By Brody Danielson February 13, 2020 | be prepared emergency prepper survival survive

What Does “Survival” Mean to You? When it comes to the topic of survival, one quickly discovers there are many differing interpretations as to the meaning of the word itself, let along how to actually deal with surviving.  You see, there are those who are just trying to survive from...

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How to Survive in Insane Heat and in Unbearable Cold

How to Survive in Insane Heat and in Unbearable Cold

By Brody Danielson February 13, 2020 | be prepared emergency preparedness survival survival skills survive

How to Survive in Insane Heat and in Unbearable Cold Extreme weather can turn a camping trip or hike into a serious emergency. Both high heat and extreme cold are life-threatening, and need to be taken seriously. As with almost all emergencies, a little planning and the right gear makes...

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5 Ways to Have a Hot Meal When the Power Goes Out

5 Ways to Have a Hot Meal When the Power Goes Out

By Brody Danielson February 13, 2020 | emergency food emergency preparedness emergency supplies meal preparation meals survival survival kit 2 comments

5 Ways to Have a Hot Meal When the Power Goes Out Learning how to accomplish emergency or survival cooking can be quite helpful in power outage situations. Especially when the weather is cold, hot meals can help warm up the entire body. But, how exactly can you cook your...

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