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ReadyWise Blog

How Long Can a Person Live Without Food?

How Long Can a Person Live Without Food?

By Ben Slaughter December 09, 2024 | disaster preparedness survival skills

Picture this: stranded in the wilderness with no supplies, or trapped indoors as a disaster unfolds outside. In these moments, survival hinges on the essentials—shelter, water, and food. But how long can the human body really survive without food? Emergencies force us to confront the limits of our endurance, making...

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Ready For Anything: Building a Bug-Out Bag

Ready For Anything: Building a Bug-Out Bag

By Ben Slaughter January 26, 2024 | auto kit bug out bag disaster preparedness emergency kit emergency supplies first aid kit food storage freeze dried food natural disasters preparedness

Ever found yourself in an emergency where time was of the essence, every moment counted, but you weren't equipped with what you needed? That's where the bug-out bag steps in! These compact, ready-to-go kits are strategically designed for easy access – be it in your car, by the door, or wherever...

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U.S. Earthquake Facts – What You Need to Know

U.S. Earthquake Facts – What You Need to Know

By Brody Danielson February 19, 2020 | disaster disaster preparedness earthquake natural disasters

U.S. Earthquake Facts – What You Need to Know The 7.8 magnitude quake that ravaged part of Ecuador's Pacific coast on April 16 injured about 12,500 people and more than 650 people lost their lives. The power of that earthquake is a stark reminder of the dangers in the U.S....

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12 Essentials in Your Survival Kit

12 Essentials in Your Survival Kit

By Brody Danielson February 18, 2020 | be prepared disaster preparedness emergency preparedness emergency supplies survival kit

Whether it’s an earthquake, a storm, or a flood; having a survival kit ready can get you a long way towards surviving a disaster. You’ll need solutions for food, shelter, and sanitation because you’ll never know to what extent the disaster can affect the facilities around you. So make sure...

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How to Store Water for an Emergency

How to Store Water for an Emergency

By Brody Danielson February 18, 2020 | disaster disaster preparedness emergency emergency kit emergency supplies water waterproof

How to Store Water for an Emergency Water is essential for survival and an absolute necessity when preparing an emergency supply kit. In the aftermath of a disaster, clean drinking water may not be available. Water in your home may be cut off or contaminated with raw sewage. If grocery...

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Best Practices for Shelter-in-Place at Home - COVID-19 Pandemic 

Best Practices for Shelter-in-Place at Home - COVID-19 Pandemic 

By Brody Danielson February 18, 2020 | disaster preparedness emergency preparedness home shelter survival survival kit

Best Practices for Shelter-in-Place at Home - COVID-19 Pandemic  As of yesterday, counties in San Francisco, were ordered to “shelter-in-place,” due to the coronavirus pandemic. New York is strongly considering following the same measures. Leading officials have decided to take more aggressive and immediate restrictions to help “curb the spread”...

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Preparedness Tips for Natural Disasters

Preparedness Tips for Natural Disasters

By Brody Danielson February 13, 2020 | disaster preparedness emergency food emergency preparedness food supply natural disasters

Preparedness Tips for Natural Disasters With the creature comforts that surround many of us, it’s hard to imagine how quickly it all could change. But all you have to do is turn on the news, or ask any disaster survivor, to know that when a natural disaster strikes, your life...

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Billionaire Bunkers: How the Super-Rich Prepare for Disaster

Billionaire Bunkers: How the Super-Rich Prepare for Disaster

By Brody Danielson February 13, 2020 | be prepared bunker disaster preparedness emergency preparedness prepper stock up

Billionaire Bunkers: How the Super-Rich Prepare for Disaster Disaster preparedness has increased in popularity over the last few decades. No longer are you considered odd for maintaining a healthy amount of emergency supplies, especially if you live in a region where natural disasters are an ever-present risk. Add in social...

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Doomsday Preppers on National Geographic Channel – New Season!

Doomsday Preppers on National Geographic Channel – New Season!

By Brody Danielson February 13, 2020 | be prepared disaster preparedness doomsday prepper

Doomsday Preppers on National Geographic Channel – New Season! Preppers everywhere are addicted to Doomsday Preppers, a series on the National Geographic channel. This popular show, now in its second season showcases real preppers as they prepare for worst-case scenarios, which gives viewers all kinds of creative ideas and information...

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Family Earthquake Preparedness Plan

Family Earthquake Preparedness Plan

By Brody Danielson February 12, 2020 | disaster disaster preparedness earthquake emergency preparedness natural disasters plan prepare

Family Earthquake Preparedness Plan Do you have a family earthquake preparedness plan? Are you prepared to be self-sufficient for days, weeks, or even months depending upon the severity of the earthquake? Do you ignore earthquake dangers because you think you aren't at risk? Check out the article below - you...

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Natural Disaster Map of the U.S.

Natural Disaster Map of the U.S.

By Brody Danielson February 12, 2020 | be prepared disaster disaster preparedness emergency preparedness plan planning 1 comment

Natural Disaster Map of the U.S. News headlines announce what seems like a disaster de jour lately, with the Colorado Floods, and California Wildfires taking center stage so far this fall. We all know that certain regions of the country are more susceptible to certain types of natural disasters than...

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