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7 Essentials in Your Survival Kit

By Brody Danielson February 18, 2020

7 Essentials in Your Survival Kit

Whether it’s an earthquake, a storm, or a flood; having a survival kit ready can get you a long way towards surviving a disaster. You’ll need solutions for food, shelter, and sanitation because you’ll never know to what extent the disaster can affect the facilities around you. So make sure you’re ready to face such calamities with a survival kit that contains the following:

  1. Food – Pack up some extra food so you have something to eat in case disaster strikes and you have to wait for days to get rescued. Make sure the food you pack has a long shelf life so you won’t have to keep replacing the contents of the survival kit.
  2. Water – Water is crucial for every survival kit. Make sure you set aside enough for drinking and cooking as well as sanitation. Try to use water that has been specially prepared for emergency purposes as it has a longer shelf life than bottled water. Otherwise, you’ll have to replace the water in the kit every year.
  3. First aid – What do you do in case someone from the family is injured after the disaster? You should always have a first aid kit in your survival kit. This should contain all the usual contents of a first aid kit such as medicines, antibiotic ointments, disinfectants, scissors, bandages, etc
  4. Sanitation and hygiene – You have to be prepared for a disaster that could impact sanitation facilities. Add some toilet paper, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and soap along with a pail you can use as a toilet.
  5. Shelter – You should be prepared for a disaster that affects your home, making it unsafe to re-enter. So your survival kit should have enough tents, sleeping bags, blankets, and tarps that could provide you with warmth and shelter.
  6. Lighting and communication – Make sure you’re prepared to face blackouts, as these are common in case of disasters. Prepare some flashlights, candles, and waterproof matches for lighting. And don’t forget to have a whistle that will help you signal for help.
  7. Survival gear – Your survival gear will be complete with items that you could need in case disaster strikes. These items could include duct tape, knives, wrenches, dust masks, ropes, etc.

These are the top items you’ll need to include for your survival kit. Interested to learn more about preparing a survival kit? Be sure to check out the comprehensive survival guide, by More Prepared.

Mina Arnao  is the Founder/CEO of More Prepared, the emergency preparedness experts for over 10 years. More Prepared’s mission is to help families, schools and businesses prepare for earthquakes and other emergencies.  Mina is CERT trained (community emergency response team) and Red Cross certified.

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