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Affiliate Program

Join Our Affiliate Program

An opportunity for online publishers to earn great commissions while giving visitors access to some of the highest quality freeze-dried food available today.

As an affiliate, you will have access to a ReadyWise creative assets and product links that have been designed to appeal to your audience. Each time a visitor to your site clicks on one of these links and makes a purchase at, you will earn 10% commission.

Commission Junction is an independent affiliate company that tracks your sales and commissions. We have partnered with them and are proud to offer their excellent services to all Affiliates. Having a third party handle our administration means you can trust that your sales totals are accurate, you are provided with great affiliate resources and your commissions are paid in a timely manner.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Join?

We want to help you in your efforts - we understand the power of having affiliates use search marketing. ReadyWise recognizes the power of various online marketing programs and welcomes the promotional efforts of its affiliates. ReadyWise has worked to build a strong and reputable brand name and have developed our affiliate program to further share our products and reinforce our reputation.

Who is ReadyWise?

ReadyWise is a leading provider of high quality, gourmet-style freeze-dried outdoor food and food storage.

How does the ReadyWise Affiliate Program work?

You place links to's home page or specific product page on your Web site. When someone follows those links and makes a purchase, we track that purchase and pay you 12% of the purchase price. Every month, you will receive a check (or direct deposit payment) if your total earnings amount is $25 or more.

Who is Commission Junction?

Commission Junction is an independent affiliate company that tracks your sales and commissions. We have partnered with them and are proud to offer their excellent services to all Affiliates. Having a third party handle our administration means you can trust that your sales totals are accurate, you are provided with great affiliate resources and your commissions are paid in a timely manner.

How are orders tracked and credited to my site?

All links from your site to contain your site's unique Source ID so that every time a user comes to us via your site, we know to credit you when a purchase is completed. Make sure that all links on your site are created using the correct code, as provided by Commission Junction.

How much will I be paid?

Commissions are up to 10% on every purchase made by someone referred from your Web site(s). For more information on potential earnings, visit our Payment page.

When will I be paid?

You will be paid monthly, if your total account balance for that month is more than $25. If your balance is less than $25 the total amount will be carried to the next month. Once it exceeds $25, a check (or direct deposit) will automatically be sent to you on the 20th of the month for your total earnings.

How long will I receive commissions for referred sales?

ReadyWise has a very generous cookie duration of 120 days. This means that if you send a visitor to who purchases, based on your referral, say two months later, then you will still get 10% commission on that sale.

How will I monitor my sales from day to day?

Commission Junction will provide ReadyWise Affiliate Program members with a unique User ID and Password, so they can access tracking and earnings information.

I operate more than one Web site. Can you track them separately, but pay me with one commission check?

Yes. You can have multiple sites under one Affiliate account. When signing up for ReadyWise's Affiliate Program, just provide the name(s) and URLs of the additional sites. You will then be able to create links specifically for each site and generate separate reports for each site. You will receive one commission payment for all of your sites.

Is my site eligible to become a ReadyWise Affiliate?

ReadyWise wants to work with all sites, from large commercial sites to individual Web pages, and everything in between. Anyone may submit an application, but we reserve the right to refuse a site if it violates our policies, contains objectionable material, including pornography, explicit language or content, supports violent groups or sends unsolicited commercial e-mail. ReadyWise may use its discretion to terminate any affiliate relationship it deems undesirable.

What does it cost to join?

Nothing! It's absolutely free to join the ReadyWise Affiliate Program. This is a no-risk opportunity. You are free to cancel at any time.

Can a Web site based outside the United States be a ReadyWise Affiliate?

Yes. We welcome Affiliate sites from anywhere in the world. However, we are only able to ship to the United States (Inquire regarding out of country shipments.), All commission payment checks to Affiliates are denominated in U.S. dollars.

I don't have a Web site yet. Can I apply to be an Affiliate anyway?

If you're interested in promoting ReadyWise without a site, please contact us at

How do I create links to ReadyWise products?

It's easy - we are very flexible and allow links to any page of We have many graphics and text links readily available through Commission Junction, and once you are approved as an affiliate you can access them.

What is my responsibility as a ReadyWise Affiliate?

You set up as many links as you'd like to, in the way that works best for your site - it's up to you how many or how few links you include. Be creative and clear. Try to let your visitors see the quality and value they'll receive from purchasing at You are responsible for placing the links on your site.

What is ReadyWise's responsibility?

ReadyWise will provide you with the tools and support you need to maximize your earnings. As an affiliate, information on graphics, links, reporting, and more can be found at Commission Junction. Additionally, you can contact us for further help at And of course, we handle fulfillment of products ordered, billing customers, paying your commissions, and managing customer service.

Can I promote ReadyWise through search engines?

Yes. We strongly encourage affiliates to utilize search engines in their promotional efforts. However, we do ask that you refrain from bidding on ReadyWise branded terms or derivations of its trademarks without express permission. We also ask that you do not use the destination URL in paid search ads without permission.

Will you help me with my site?

We gladly provide recommendations on where to place ReadyWise links on your site. We can also offer advice on methods of promotion that have proven to be the most successful. If you have other questions, you can contact us at

Can I include specific information about pricing on my site?

Yes. Using pricing information is fine as long as your pricing information reflects actual prices listed at Please make sure your prices match those at so customers don't see conflicting information.

Can I change and update my links whenever I want?

Yes. You may change and update the links on your site at any time for whatever reason you wish. Whenever you change or update links, please be sure that they are working properly before making the changes live.

What is ReadyWise’s return Policy?

RETURN MERCHANDISE POLICY: Permission for any return merchandise must be secured from our return department. For questions about returning merchandise please call 801.335.0345. The return of non-defective merchandise when authorized may incur a 15% re-stocking fee.

After a return is authorized by our return department:

1. Return the item to the address given to you by our return department.

2. Write the Return Authorization Number on the box.

3. Keep your shipping records for proof of shipment in the event of loss of returned merchandise.

Returns shipped via U.S. Postal Service (U.S.P.S.) or with a value of over $100.00 should be insured. We are not liable for return merchandise that does not reach our return department. We will notify you via phone, mail, or e-mail of your refund once we have received and processed the returned item. You can expect a refund in the same form of payment originally used for purchase within 20 business days of our receiving your return.

Terms & Conditions

ReadyWise recognizes the power of various online marketing programs and welcomes the promotional efforts of its affiliates. However, as ReadyWise is working to build a strong and reputable brand name, it is necessary that we take steps to protect the brand and its reputation. With this in mind, we've developed policies regarding the following online programs. Failure to comply with these policies is grounds for termination of your affiliate status.

Search Guidelines

We want to help you in your efforts - we understand the power of having affiliates use search marketing.

Your Site Guidelines:

You hereby agree that your site will not, in any way, copy or resemble the look and feel of the ReadyWise site nor will you do anything to create the impression that your site is our site or a part of our site, including without limitation, framing our site in any manner. You also hereby agree that your site will not contain any content from our site or any materials which are proprietary to ReadyWise, except 1) with our prior permission or 2) the materials were obtained by you via the Commission Junction sites in accordance with the provisions hereof or the policies or instructions thereon.

You further hereby agree that your top level domain name does not and will not contain any of the following words: ReadyWise, or any variation thereof. Inappropriate advertisements (False claims, misleading hyperlinks) are not permitted.

Paid Search Listings Guidelines

ReadyWise understands the power of paid search listings in driving qualified traffic and sales for affiliates. We strongly encourage affiliates to utilize search engines in their promotional efforts.

Title & Descriptions & Display URL in general:

In general, do not engage in practices which portray your site as

The titles and descriptions must not be deceptive and must accurately reflect current promotions on

With the limited spaces available in titles and descriptions - take care not to try to promote something that cannot be properly explained. For example - free shipping on certain products must be explained as such. Similarly, free products that come only with certain products must be explained in that context.

E-mail guidelines

Generally, does not allow its affiliates to engage in e-mail marketing. However, if you own directly gathered opt-in lists, such as a loyalty program or house list, and would like you to request permission to e-mail, please send a request to

Affiliates agree to not engage in spamming, unsolicited e-mail and indiscriminate advertising. Lists hoping to be considered should reflect the guidelines established by the IAB's Ethical Email Guidelines

Downloadable Application Policy

ReadyWise does not allow partners to promote via downloadable applications.

The ReadyWise affiliate team feels strongly that affiliates should be properly rewarded for their promotional efforts on our behalf.

The last thing we want to do is reward another party for stealing commissions. We know that there are software programs out there, downloaded by millions of Internet users, that replace tracking codes with their own. The affiliates that are using this software are increasing their commissions at the expense of others. We actively prohibit any and all known parasiteware companies from earning commissions.


Please note that if you are using a traffic-redirecting product or are planning on implementing such a product, ReadyWise will reject you as an affiliate. ReadyWise welcomes all legitimate marketing efforts, but strongly opposes technologies that would take commissions from its hard-working affiliates.

We commend Commission Junction and others who've recognized the need to address this issue.

Commission Junction is an independent affiliate company that tracks your sales and commissions. We have partnered with them and are proud to offer their excellent services to all Affiliates. Having a third party handle our administration means you can trust that your sales totals are accurate, you are provided with great affiliate resources and your commissions are paid in a timely manner.