ReadyWise Blog

Staying Calm in Emergencies
Staying Calm in Emergencies Some people undergo amazing transformations in emergencies: They can make a solid plan and tell everyone what to do in calm voice. The rest of us freak out, yell and drop things. The good news is, the rest of us can learn the ability to stay...

How Many Daily Calories Will I Need?
How Many Daily Calories Will I Need? The average American says it’s easier to do their own taxes than it is to figure out what to eat and how many calories per day they need. Whether you’re planning your emergency food strategy or you’re reviewing an existing plan, now is...

Bug-Out-Bag Food: Everything You Need to Know
If you ever find yourself in an emergency situation and need to evacuate, you’ll need a bug-out-bag (BOB) to survive. A BOB should help you survive for up to 72 hours, so it’s important to pack it with any bug-out bag essentials you might need while out in the wild...

How to Store Water for an Emergency
How to Store Water for an Emergency Water is essential for survival and an absolute necessity when preparing an emergency supply kit. In the aftermath of a disaster, clean drinking water may not be available. Water in your home may be cut off or contaminated with raw sewage. If grocery...

What Does “Survival” Mean to You?
What Does “Survival” Mean to You? When it comes to the topic of survival, one quickly discovers there are many differing interpretations as to the meaning of the word itself, let along how to actually deal with surviving. You see, there are those who are just trying to survive from...

New Top 10 Prepper Apps
New Top 10 Prepper Apps New smartphone apps are rolling out all the time and it can be difficult to keep up or sort out what is useful for emergencies. Here are our top ten favorite apps – right now anyway! Life360 Family Locator lets you send and receive check-ins...

Mosquito Biology and Habits That Can Help Us Avoid Mosquitoes
Mosquito Biology and Habits That Can Help Us Avoid Mosquitoes Mosquitoes are one of the most irritating parts of spring and summer seasons. Often being outdoors and enjoying warm weather gets interrupted by these little insects. And in some parts of the world mosquitoes even transmit several serious diseases, therefore...

Time to Check Your Supplies
Time to Check Your Supplies April 15th is a day that looms large for taxpayers in the U.S. As we lined up at the post office to mail in our last-minute returns, many of us passed the time dreaming of how we’ll use our refund checks. Using your tax refund to...

Common Emergency Prepping Mistakes
Common Emergency Prepping Mistakes You’ve realized it’s time to prepare for emergencies and disasters. That’s great! You’re taking steps to ensure the safety and survival of yourself and your family in what are often unstable times and in the face of increasingly severe weather and natural disasters. Like any new...

How to Make DIY Waterproof Matches
How to Make DIY Waterproof Matches Since the beginning of humankind, fire starters have been the most essential tool a human could possess for survival. Back then, there was no such thing as a commercial match. However, a match similar to what we know today was mentioned in a book...