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ReadyWise Blog

8 Ways to Cook Without Electricity

8 Ways to Cook Without Electricity

By Brody Danielson February 20, 2020 | be prepared cooking fire outdoors solar survival survival skills

8 Ways to Cook Without Electricity As a society we have become accustomed to our modern conveniences. Not only can we cook on a stovetop or oven, but we can pop a dish in the microwave and have it ready in mere seconds! So when we find ourselves in a...

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Emergency Communication: Phonetic Alphabet and Morse code

Emergency Communication: Phonetic Alphabet and Morse code

By Brody Danielson February 20, 2020 | alphabet be prepared emergency preparedness morse code phonetic survival survival skills

Whiskey, Tango, Bravo If you’re not in the military you probably only hear people use the phonetic alphabet in movies. The phonetic alphabet may seem like useless knowledge, but it’s not - everyone concerned about being prepared in an emergency situation should know it. Technically it’s called the “International Radiotelephony...

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How to Survive in Insane Heat and in Unbearable Cold

How to Survive in Insane Heat and in Unbearable Cold

By Brody Danielson February 13, 2020 | be prepared emergency preparedness survival survival skills survive

How to Survive in Insane Heat and in Unbearable Cold Extreme weather can turn a camping trip or hike into a serious emergency. Both high heat and extreme cold are life-threatening, and need to be taken seriously. As with almost all emergencies, a little planning and the right gear makes...

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