ReadyWise Blog

How Many Daily Calories Will I Need?
How Many Daily Calories Will I Need? The average American says it’s easier to do their own taxes than it is to figure out what to eat and how many calories per day they need. Whether you’re planning your emergency food strategy or you’re reviewing an existing plan, now is...

Family Earthquake Preparedness Plan
Family Earthquake Preparedness Plan Do you have a family earthquake preparedness plan? Are you prepared to be self-sufficient for days, weeks, or even months depending upon the severity of the earthquake? Do you ignore earthquake dangers because you think you aren't at risk? Check out the article below - you...

Natural Disaster Map of the U.S.
Natural Disaster Map of the U.S. News headlines announce what seems like a disaster de jour lately, with the Colorado Floods, and California Wildfires taking center stage so far this fall. We all know that certain regions of the country are more susceptible to certain types of natural disasters than...