ReadyWise Blog

Emergency Meals for Vegetarians and Vegans
Emergency Meals for Vegetarians and Vegans Because we frequently advise people on how much food they need to store for emergencies, we keep up with the U.S. Dietary Guidelines as they’re updated each year. Last week we wrote about how many calories adults and kids need to maintain their current...

Vegetarian MRE: Options, Storage, and Usage
Vegetarian MRE: Options, Storage, and Usage Of the estimated 240 million adults 18 and older in the U.S., research indicates about 8 million are vegetarians, and of those, about one million are vegan. According to surveys, the needs of people interested in vegetarian meals differs, which can certainly also apply...

A Guide to Vegetarian Emergency Food Storage
A Guide to Vegetarian Emergency Food Storage If you are a vegetarian, chances are you are already quite resourceful about obtaining adequate nutrition from non-meat sources. Preparing for emergencies requires the same kind of savvy, but with extra effort because fresh vegetables and fruits have a short shelf life. The...