ReadyWise Blog
9 Celebrity Preppers Ready for Anything
9 Celebrity Preppers Ready for Anything Even if you are a famous actor, world-class athlete or chart-topping musician, you are not immune to disaster. Having access to vast quantities of cash will only get you so far if the proverbial you-know-what hits the fan, and many celebrities are aware of...
Creating an Outdoor Emergency Animal Shelter
Creating an Outdoor Emergency Animal Shelter Few parts of the United States have been spared from extreme cold weather this winter. When temperatures dip well below zero and snow piles up, most people and pets are lucky enough to be able to wait it out inside where it’s warm and...
Best Practices for Shelter-in-Place at Home - COVID-19 Pandemic
Best Practices for Shelter-in-Place at Home - COVID-19 Pandemic As of yesterday, counties in San Francisco, were ordered to “shelter-in-place,” due to the coronavirus pandemic. New York is strongly considering following the same measures. Leading officials have decided to take more aggressive and immediate restrictions to help “curb the spread”...
How To Survive an Emergency Shelter: 13 Essentials to Take With You
How To Survive an Emergency Shelter: 13 Essentials to Take With You Emergency personal do their best to keep people comfortable, but the best course of action is to be entirely self-sufficient. If you find you have to evacuate to a shelter, you’ll be a lot more comfortable if you...
Three Common Household Products for First Aid
Three Common Household Products for First Aid Let's first start with the obvious; medical care is best provided by a doctor in an office or a hospital. But, if a disaster strikes or you're facing an emergency and can’t get professional care, there are some common household products that can...
How to Survive in Insane Heat and in Unbearable Cold
How to Survive in Insane Heat and in Unbearable Cold Extreme weather can turn a camping trip or hike into a serious emergency. Both high heat and extreme cold are life-threatening, and need to be taken seriously. As with almost all emergencies, a little planning and the right gear makes...
5 Ways to Have a Hot Meal When the Power Goes Out
5 Ways to Have a Hot Meal When the Power Goes Out Learning how to accomplish emergency or survival cooking can be quite helpful in power outage situations. Especially when the weather is cold, hot meals can help warm up the entire body. But, how exactly can you cook your...
5 Ways to Be Prepared for Any Situation
5 Ways to Be Prepared for Any Situation No one in the United States resides in an area that is entirely free of some type of emergency or natural disaster. Some emergencies, such as home fires, windstorms, and lightning strikes, can happen anywhere. Other natural disasters occur more often in...
Preparedness Tips for Natural Disasters
Preparedness Tips for Natural Disasters With the creature comforts that surround many of us, it’s hard to imagine how quickly it all could change. But all you have to do is turn on the news, or ask any disaster survivor, to know that when a natural disaster strikes, your life...
Billionaire Bunkers: How the Super-Rich Prepare for Disaster
Billionaire Bunkers: How the Super-Rich Prepare for Disaster Disaster preparedness has increased in popularity over the last few decades. No longer are you considered odd for maintaining a healthy amount of emergency supplies, especially if you live in a region where natural disasters are an ever-present risk. Add in social...
Family Earthquake Preparedness Plan
Family Earthquake Preparedness Plan Do you have a family earthquake preparedness plan? Are you prepared to be self-sufficient for days, weeks, or even months depending upon the severity of the earthquake? Do you ignore earthquake dangers because you think you aren't at risk? Check out the article below - you...
The Simple Survival Kit List … Because Anything Can Happen
The Simple Survival Kit List … Because Anything Can Happen “The end of the world is on people's minds. We have the power to destroy or save ourselves, but the question is what do you do with that responsibility.” ~ Nicolas Cage “What are you going to do if it's...