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Team Rubicon #NeighborsHelpingNeighbors

By Brody Danielson April 14, 2020

Team Rubicon #NeighborsHelpingNeighbors

ReadyWise is excited to announce our new partnership with Team Rubicon. They are an organization that unties the skills and experiences of military veterans with first responders to rapidly deploy emergency response teams. Given what is going on in the world there is no better time to support this organization. In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, Team Rubicon has launched the #NeighborsHelpingNeighbors initiative to meet the needs of our communities through individual acts of service. 

One way you can help is donate to the Team Rubicon teams to help them support vulnerable communities or share your own #NeighborsHelpingNeighbors act.

An important aspect to this is making sure you read the safety guidelines first to make sure you are protecting yourself before serving others. Some ways to do this are keeping distance by avoiding close contact with people who are sick as well as washing your hands. Team Rubicon has put together a safety guideline sheet to follow.

If you have already safely helped a neighbor out during this time, be sure to share your experience using the hashtag #NeighborsHelpingNeightbors.

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