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Simple Workouts to Stay in Shape or Get In Shape During Quarantine

By Brody Danielson April 17, 2020

Simple Workouts to Stay in Shape or Get In Shape During Quarantine

During this time at home it is important to stay active. We may not be able to do all the exercise activities we love right now, but this is a great time to try something new and focus on your health. We will offer some different workouts you guys can do at home in order to stay in shape or get in shape. We also want to start off by talking about some of the different health benefits you can get from regular exercise. Given the circumstances, being quarantined at home means spending a lot of time resting or in front of the T.V.. There is nothing wrong with this, it is actually a really good time to let your body catch up on rest and relax, but it is good to sweat and balance it out with some movement as well. 



Staying consistent with working out offers more benefits than just “looking good” or “losing weight.” As stated in Healthline one major benefit to working out is that “it can make you feel happier.” Exercise is proven to increase your mood as well as help relieve stress and anxiety. When exercising your body releases endorphins. Endorphins “help produce positive feelings and reduce the perception of pain.” It not only does that, but it also increases your brain sensitivity for two different hormones which are serotonin and norepinephrine. Both of these hormones “relieve feelings of depression.” There are a few more benefits, stated in Healthline  we wanted to share with you before we dive into different workouts. If you find yourself feeling tired all time, regular exercise can increase your energy levels. It not only does that but it can help with your skin health, brain health, and memory as well. Last thing, as many of you know regular exercise can “reduce the risk of chronic disease.” These are just a few benefits, there are many more. If you are interested in reading the full “Top 10 Benefits of Regular Exercise” by Healthline, we have provided a link to the article at the bottom.



The best thing about exercise is there are all different types and a lot of it is free. If you don’t like running, don't worry, there are plenty more things you can do to stay in shape or sweat. Apps, YouTube and Instagram are your best friends for finding workouts while in quarantine. Many “fitness” IG accounts are offering free “live training sessions.” Yoga studios around the country are offering free onlines classes, and well, as for YouTube, there are endless workout videos. 

Below are just a few of the different workout apps, accounts and videos out there. We would love to hear how you guys are all staying in shape. Be sure to share your suggestions with us on our ReadyWise Facebook page on our “simple workouts to stay or get in shape” post. 



CORE POWER YOGA: has been offering free online yoga classes. They range from 30 minutes to a full hour.



PELOTON: originally known for spin classes but has an app that offers - yoga, stretching, boot camp, cardio workouts. (30-day free trial going on) 

CENTR By Chris Hemsworth is a fitness app that offers workouts as well as meals plans. (7-day free trial) 

DOWNDOG: is a yoga app that includes HIIT, Barre, Yoga for Beginners, Down Dog & 7 Minute workout 

FITON: offer free workout classes - cardio, HIIT, pilates, strength and dance

NIKE TRAINING CLUB APP: offers over 185 free workouts

STRAVA: is a running app that can track your distance, pace and time. It also offers different challenges for running, biking, swimming, walking and hiking. 


@dogpound: is a well known fitness center in New York & LA. They have free “live” workout sessions going on 5 days a week. 


Les Mills & Reebok 30 minute cardio workout -

(If you are looking for a very tough & quick cardio workout, this is the one. Only 30 minutes long, no equipment needed. Yes you will sweat A LOT)



These are just a select few, there are a ton more out there. Now matter whether you are just starting to get in shape or you are already there, this is a great time to set new goals for yourself. Use this time to your advantage to work on your health. If you are just beginning, think about where you could be in a year from now if you start today.  

Don’t forget to answer our question of the week to help donate. For every question answered ReadyWise will donate $1, up to $500 a week to a charity chosen by you. 

Semeco, Arlene. “The Top 10 Benefits of Regular Exercise .” HealthLine , 10 Feb. 2017,

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