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Build a Garden Box with Our Heirloom Vegetable Seeds

By Brody Danielson May 01, 2020

Build a Garden Box with Our Heirloom Vegetable Seeds

Summer is just around the corner, now is the perfect time to start on your summer garden. Gardening is a great tool for a few reasons, first, you can make it inexpensive, second, you can have fresh crops that you can enjoy or sell, and third, it is a good way to stay prepared. Recently, we added a brand new ReadyWise Emergency item, our Heirloom Vegetable Seed Buckets, which we are very excited about. This bucket has made gardening easy, affordable and can help give your family peace-of-mind. Today we want to talk about different ways you can use the seeds and also give you some suggestions on how to build your own garden box. If you were following along with our ReadyWise “CovIDEAS,” then you may have already read our tips and tricks on how to “grow your own garden,” but if you missed it, it is up on our blog and we have also provided a link below as well. Our seed buckets are IN STOCK now but are limited in supply. You can shop through our ReadyWise website or directly through this link


What does our Heirloom Vegetable Seed Bucket include? 

This bucket comes with 39 different varieties of hand-selected non non-hybrid, non-gmo, open-pollinated vegetable seeds. This would be around $1,500 value at your local hardwood store. All the seeds have up to a 10 year shelf life, so this can last you a few years. It can also be good for trial and error if you are new to gardening because you will have extra if your crops are not successful the first time around. Saying that, if you think that this bucket has too many seeds for your family alone, we do suggest splitting it with friends or neighbors as well. This can also help break up the cost of the bucket. All the seeds come packed in their own UV-radiation resistant, resealable mylar foil bag and each kit contains more than 4,500 Heirloom Seeds (almost 2lbs worth). In total this bundle has enough survival seeds for a 3 acre garden.  


Asparagus Mary Washington .078oz 112
Beet Detroit Dark Red .06oz 125
Rutabaga American Purple Top .02oz 122
Broccoli Green Sprouting Calabrese .02oz 107
Brussel Sprouts Long Island Improved .013oz 117
Bush Bean Golden Wax .742oz 90
Bush Bean Blue Lake 274 .902oz 85
Cabbage Early Jersey Wakefield .02oz 100
Cantaloupe Jumbo Hales Best .10oz 96
Carrot Chantenay Red Cored .020oz 250
Cauliflower Snowball Y Improved .2oz 125
Celery Tall Utah 52-72 Improved .07oz 200
Collards Champion .016oz 110
Cucumber Poinsett 76 (slicing) .058oz 65
Cucumber National Pickling .162oz 152
Eggplant Black Beauty .026oz 110
Kale Dwarf Blue Curled Scotch .02oz 158
Leek American Flag .24oz 170
Lettuce Buttercrunch .02oz 280
Lima Bean King Of The Garden 3.07oz 103
Mustard Greens Tendergreen .02oz 215
Onion White Bunching .028oz 165
Okra Clemson Spineless .248oz 129
Onion Sweet Spanish Yellow .012oz 140
Pea Sugar Ann .818oz 99
Pepper California Wonder 04oz 104
Pepper Early Jalapeno .038oz 115
Pumpkin Jack O'Lantern .440oz 78
Radish Early Scarlet Globe .032oz 139
Spinach Nobel Giant .064oz 130
Squash Golden Summer Crookneck .22oz 93
Squash Butternut Waltham .486oz 142
Squash Black Beauty .5oz 112
Sweet corn Golden Bantam .866oz 97
Tomato Beefsteak .01oz 87
Tomato Roma .01oz 108
Tomato Red Cherry Large .02oz 115
Turnip Purple Top White Globe .15oz 180
Watermelon Sugar Baby .204oz 125



How can this give my family peace-of-mind? 

Given what is going on in the world, the importance of being prepared has shined it light more than ever. This bucket could help in a survival situation because it would give your family the reassurance of food and these crops could also be bartered and traded for money or different items. Chances are it won’t come to that, but it is always smart to have a back up plan. 


How to build your own raised garden box (under $15) 

The best part about building a garden box is that you can do it for relatively cheap, this specific one can be made for under $15. Some of the benefits to a raised garden box is less weeding, helps save space, it is easier to maintain the garden when it's high up and it can help keep kids or animals away. Below we have provided a list of the different supplies you will need along with step-by-step instructions. We did find these “How to Build a Raised Garden Bed For Cheap by FarmHouse On Boone” instructions on Pinterest (link provided above). They do offer a step by step video as well if you prefer watching rather than reading. 


Garden Box Supplies (this will make one raised garden bed) 

  • 6x6 ft - pieces of Cedar wood - can use 6 foot long cedar fence posts
  • 6”x10” long 1x2s or 2x4s (ripped in half) 
  • Screws 
  • Circular Saw 
  • Drill 


  1. “Cut off the top part of the cedar picket fence” (if you used the fence post) 
    1. This step isn't necessary but can help it look cleaner. 
  2. “Measure the cedar fence pickets. Cut 2 boards in half.” 
  3. “Each post was 6 feet long, so [they] cut each in half to make two 3-foot boards. These will be the ends of each raised bed.” 
  4. “Take two of the long pieces of cedar, lay them next to each other, and line up the ends.” 
  5. “Place one of the 10” long 2x4s cut in half (1x2s) to one of the ends of the long cedar boards and drill in.” 
  6. “Stand it up with the cedar board touching the table; the ripped 2x4 is up and part of it is above the cedar.” 
  7. “Place the short end piece next to the long piece creating a 90 degree angle and screw it into the ripped 2x4. Continue doing this until all four boards are attached.” 
  8. “Add the second layer of cedar posts and screw them into the ripped 2x4s.” 
  9. “In the center of the long side of the raised bed, screw in another ripped 2x4.” 
    1. “This helps add support so it doesn’t bow out once the soil is added”
  10. “Put them in place and add soil” 
    1. “When installing the raised beds, it is a good idea to allow enough space between each bed to make it comfortable to walk through and bed down.” 


Youtube Video link 

Blog Post: 



“How to Build a Raised Garden Bed for Cheap .” Farmhouse On Boone , Tutorial Gardens , 5 July 2019,

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