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Preparing for a Earthquake

By Brody Danielson February 23, 2022

Preparing for a Earthquake

National Preparedness Month 

What to do to protect yourself if you feel an earthquake (Ready.Gov)

  • Stop driving, pull over and put your parking brake on if you are in a car.  
  • “If you are in your bed, turn face down and cover your head and neck with a pillow.”
  • If you are outside, stay outside and away from any buildings. 
  • Don’t stand in a doorway
  • Don’t run outside 

ALWAYS - Drop, Cover and Hold On. 

Be sure to practice this with family beforehand. 

  • DROP - Get down on your hands and knees wherever you are. 
  • COVER - Use your arms to cover your head and neck. Crawl underneath a sturdy desk or table if there is one nearby for shelter. “Stay on your knees or bent over to protect vital organs” (Ready.Gov). 
  • HOLD ON - If you are using a table for shelter, hold on with one hand and get ready to move if it moves. 

How To Prepare Before an Earthquake 

  • Practice your plan with your family, friends or coworkers. 
  • Check around your house for heavy items that may need to be secured. Keep any heavy or breakable items on low shelves. 
  • Have a family communication plan in case you are separated, have an “out of state contact” on your plan. Decide on a family meeting spot. 
  • Have a preparedness kit ready to go. 3-10 days worth of food and water, a flashlight, a whistle, a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher. 
  • Consider getting earthquake insurance if you live in a high risk area. 
  • “Consider making improvements to your building to fix structural issues that could cause your building to collapse during an earthquake” (Ready.Gov). 

Helpful Resources: 

“Earthquakes .” Ready.Gov, 9 Sept. 2020,

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